The Pan African Surgical Healthcare Forum 2023
Consensus Statement
32 African Ministries of Health gathered for two days (13 and 14 July 2023) in Kigali, Rwanda and shared insights on surgical healthcare planning from Francophone, Lusophone, Spanish-speaking, and Anglophone countries in 17 plenary sessions, and explored the current state of surgical policies across Africa in 4 moderated multi- country working groups. The Health Ministries developed a consensus statement on National Surgical Healthcare Plans/Policies through an iterative, evidence-based consensus development process.

The Pan African Surgical Healthcare Forum 2024
Consensus Statement
40 African Ministries of Health Delegates gathered for two days (16TH - 17TH September 2024) in Kigali, Rwanda – The Pan-African Surgical Healthcare Forum (PASHeF) had a successful two-day conference at the Marriott Hotel, under the theme “Roadmap to Equitable Surgical Healthcare for Africa.” They developed a Roadmap document in Four languages.